This E-book, "Health is Wealth" consists of 6 articles, a short glimpse of each article is here:
1. COVID-19
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious communicable disease caused by a new strain of coronavirus, SARS-Cov-2. It generally causes mild to moderate respiratory illness but is likely to cause severe illness in the elderly and those with underlying medical problems like diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, cancer, etc. As of 27th April 2021, data suggests that there has been a total confirmed 147,539,302 cases of COVID-19 including 3,116,444 deaths. The infection fatality rate of the disease, i.e. the proportion of death among all infected individuals was found to be 0.5-1%...
2. Air Pollution And Its Impact
Air pollution is the presence of substances in the atmosphere that are harmful to the health of humans and other living beings, or cause damage to the climate. Overpopulation, urbanization and industrialization; air pollution is increasing dangerously worldwide. It’s a global issue. Not only climate change, but air pollution has also been contributing for major health-related problems, thus increasing morbidity and mortality. WHO says that 9 out of 10 people are now breathing polluted air, which kills 7 million people every year. 87% deaths from outdoor air pollution occur in low and middle-income countries...
3. Diabetes, Hypertension And Obesity
Diabetes and hypertension are quite common in obese individuals. They all share same risk factor and obesity is itself a risk factor for diabetes and hypertension. These three entities in isolation are associated with an increased risk of development of cardiovascular and renal complications; however, their co-existence generates a substantial increase in this risk (3-10 times)...
4. Health and Hygiene
WHO defines health as the state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity. Hygiene is an important aspect to maintain health, be it physical, mental, or social. It also improves personality, enhances self-discipline, and gives people a good impression of you. Hygiene refers to good practices that prevent diseases, leads to good health, and involves keeping all the parts of the external body clean and healthy...
5. First Aid For Choking And Bleeding
At any moment, anyone can get into an accident or experience an injury. Using basic first aid one may be able to stop a minor mishap into getting worse and at times even save a life. First aid, is an emergency initial management of injured or ill-using locally available resources before professional medical services can be reached. It allows a non-medical expert to quickly determine a person’s physical condition and the course of treatment. First aid aims to preserve life, prevent further injury and promote recovery. Maintenance of the body’s primary function namely, bleeding control, airway, breathing, and circulation is the key to survival and recovery of the ill...
6. Mental Health
Mental, physical, and social healths are very vital for healthy life and are interrelated to each other. WHO defines mental health as ‘’ a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her abilities, can cope with normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and can make a contribution to his or her community.’’ It is not just the absence of mental disorder. To be healthy mental health is equally important. Mental health is important as it affects your relationship with others, learning capacity (concentration, attention,
and communication), work, mood, and thinking and can cause other problems like alcoholism and drug abuse...
To read the complete version of the articles, you can purchase the E-book "Health is Wealth" from the following link: